Healthcare - Sensagest

Sensagest uses patented gesture recognition technology to enable an accessible nurse call system for people with spinal injuries. Early concepts were quickly visualised to give the concept an identity for a business competition. The product caught the judges' imagination and further funding was secured for the creation of 10 rapid prototypes for assessment at the Midlands Centre for Spinal Injuries. Sensagest was the overall winner for the Bone and Joint category at the 2007 Medical Futures Innovation Awards.

James Lamb has also worked on several conceptual projects with DePuy in the area of orthopedics, but we are unable to share any details on these projects as of now.  

Nurse call system

Healthcare - DePuy

James Lamb has also worked on several conceptual projects with DePuy in the area of orthopedics, but we are unable to share any details on these projects because of client confidentiality.

DePuy logo (a Johnson & Johnson company)

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